Sunday, 5 March 2017

Q&A | Collab with 'blossomandaisyy' (Katie)

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well. 
Today's post is a Q&A collaboration with Katie ('blossomandaisyy'). We both asked our followers on Instagram to ask us questions that we could answer in a blog post. Katie has a really beautiful and aesthetic blog that is beauty, fashion and lifestyle related. Her posts are genuinely so lovely and easy to follow and I particularly love the lifestyle theme of her posts she has uploaded so far this year. Both Katie and her blog honestly deserve a lot more recognition, so please make sure you pop over and visit by clicking 'here'. There will also be a blog post for you to read with her answers to the same questions listed below. 

Note: The brackets contain the Instagram username of the person who asked each question. Thank you so much if you did comment on either mine or Katie's post!

Q: How has your 2017 started? ('gracexkate')
A: Challenging and frightening, but also headed in the right, positive direction. 

Q: What inspired you to create a blog? ('xxbandobsessedxx')
A: I wanted a creative space on the Internet that would allow me to express who I am and connect with people that have similar interests. Also seeing how other bloggers had designed their blogs, the high quality pictures they took and the amazing posts they created was really inspiring to me, and I just knew I wanted to do that. As much as I love YouTube and filming videos, having a blog holds a special place in my heart because I think I'll always be far superior at writing in comparison to verbally expressing myself. 

Q: Favourite beauty brand? ('theaveragegurlx') 
A: Ohhhh this is tough... maybe either NYX or Urban Decay.

Q: When did you start wearing makeup? ('floralbeautyguru')
A: I think I started wearing makeup when I was 13/14, but didn't start doing it properly (as in a full face of makeup) until I was 17.

Q: Best childhood memory? ('helenarenzulli') 
A: When I used to go over to my grandparents house practically all of the time and play games with them. I treasure these memories now that my gran is no longer here (technically more than one memory, but these are the best I have ~ I also have a pretty crap memory). 

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? ('floralbeautyguru')
A: Hopefully in a full-time job that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning! I also hope that I will have passed my driving test and feel comfortable behind the wheel of a car. 

Q: Future job you hope to achieve? ('blondeblogger18')
A: Either something Psychology related or becoming a writer. 

Q: What are your 3 hopes for your life? ('bundleofsurprises')
A: To be successful, to be loved/respected and to manage my health issues more positively.

Q: What is your biggest achievement? ('myblurredworld') 
A: I'd like to say getting half a million reads on my story 'Signed Anonymous', although coming top of the year with the highest grade for Psychology at A Level comes a very close second!

My question for anyone reading this post is 'Where is your safe place?' ~ you can either leave it in the comments below or tweet me @veramyfarmiga !! 
Best wishes, Emma x

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